Why should I choose a brahmin community bride or bridegroom
Choice is yours. This website facilitate a mtch between one set of common like minded, with some common characteristics, common family background, easily related and identified group of people - in olden days they called as major caste. Now -a-days although the traits are retained, we give less importance to nomenclature of caste names and its cultures. The society has improved to adapt good traits of other groups so as to mingle as homjogeneously as possible. The problem newly married couple face are more of understanding and rection. Every word or every action or every thinking - if it is presented different than just a flash is enough for creating major problems. In that way if common traits in a community is known and expectations are about that trait then easily each other understand one another. So it is more practical aproach and prcentage of scuccess rates are quite high. On the other hand those who want to understand the other person more and more before marriage, can find some match in their work place etc., that is very negligible percentage.
30th July, 2019